The most common cannabinoids found in cannabis
What is the difference between hemp and marijuana?
Hemp and marijuana are different species of Cannabis sativa and bred for different purposes. Industrial hemp is exclusively produced by Cannabis sativa, while marijuana can be derived from Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica.
Both hemp and marijuana contain CBD, but there’s a much higher percentage in hemp. Hemp also has much lower levels of THC (less than 0.3%) than the marijuana species.
Industrial hemp is grown to be durable, have very long stalks and as few flowering buds as possible—this can make it easier to extract the high amounts of CBD and smaller amounts of THC. Hemp’s chemical profile means that you can’t get “high” from it, and it is used to create medicinal remedies, food and oil, as well as other products, including rope, bricks, natural polymers, fiber, clothes and many more.
Marijuana strains of cannabis are typically smaller, flimsier and have many flowering buds with the sole purpose of maximizing the concentration of THC. Marijuana is used recreationally and medicinally only.